May 25, 2023

3 quick-fire market insights

Rob Fearn
Partner Engagement Lead

We know how useful data is when it comes to understanding your events, and how they fit in with the wider event landscape. To help you, our experts have pulled out 3 quick-fire insights to pore over!

Bookings spiked on the marketplace during the London Marathon ballot. 

Marketplace bookings in ballot week

This year, for the first time ever, the London Marathon ballot was run on Let's Do This. While a new record for applications was set, we also saw a huge uptick in traffic and bookings for other events through the duration of the ballot window, showing the positive impact this partnership is already having on the growth of our industry. 

With the ballot draw taking place in June, we expect another positive impact on the marketplace with unsuccessful applicants looking for replacement events.

A large proportion of events on the marketplace are seeing growth. 

2023 vs 2022 Q1 Ticket Sales on LDT

We took a look at the performance of events on the marketplace over the last year. Just under half have seen participation levels grow by 25% or more since 2022, and while there are still segments of the market that are struggling, the proportion of organisers growing or remaining stable is far greater than the proportion of organisers declining. This is a huge positive given the uncertainty of the last few years. 

Longer distance events are seeing the biggest growth.

Event growth by distance

We’re seeing a relationship between event distance and growth rate for running events: the longer the distance, the more likely it is to have grown.

A huge proportion of the population began to place a greater focus on health and wellbeing in 2020. 3 years later, this ‘Couch to 5k’ style cohort are  on the hunt for bigger, longer challenges. 

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