March 8, 2023

Groups from Let's Do This

Rob Fearn
Partner Engagement Lead

Turn your participants into influencers

A key priority for growing and sustaining your event community is attracting the next generation of racers.

When it comes to younger Gen-Z participants, our research has shown they take part for different reasons than their parents - it’s as much about the social experience with friends as it is about the actual event itself. You’re no longer just competing against other events… your events are competing against brunch.

With 45% of Gen-Zers relying on friends and family for purchasing inspiration, it’s more important than ever that you adapt to this growing audience.To really succeed in attracting this younger demographic, it's all about making life as easy as possible for group organisers, or 'social instigators':

social instigator (/ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l/ /ˈɪnstɪɡeɪtə/):
noun 1. that person in the family, friend group, or club that organises everything - always

Don't fear - we've built the perfect solution to help you enable these guys. And what's more - you won't even need to raise a finger.

Introducing Groups on LDT 🎉

Our brand new feature allows you to:

  • Increase conversion rate of group bookings by 30%+, thanks to reduced admin for social instigators
  • Increase the number of invites to your events, by encouraging bookers to share that finish line feeling and invite their friends
  • Help your social instigators get their friends to the start line, with personalised invite links and FOMO messaging on the booking form

If you know you want this feature enabled for your events, click below to let your PS Manager know!

Enable Groups on my event

Make signing up groups easier than ever

LDT research has shown that one of the largest hurdles for people who organise groups to attend an event together is the admin involved. We’re helping make life easier for these social instigators by letting them book for their group without having to get all their members' information ahead of time. They can then paste their Groups link into their family chat, run club group, or company channel and everyone attending can fill in their own information.

This feature is already showing its effectiveness. Organisers who have adopted it have seen a 32% increase in CVR for baskets with 5+ tickets.

Turn your participants into influencers

We can help you get more people inviting friends, family, co-workers, and their run club by encouraging bookers to create Groups. Once created, captains will be given a link to invite others to your event. That link will be personalized to that Group to help get invitees through the booking flow.

Enable Groups on my event


I have some questions about this, how can I learn more?

Easy! Click here to let your your Partner Success Manager know, and they'll be in touch shortly!

Do I have to change the way I work to use Groups?

Nope! You can get all the benefits without changing anything in your pre-race prep.

That said, many people enjoy seeing their group or team name alongside their race results. If you want to help your participant rep their tribe on raceday, you can export their group name alongside other startlist information. And if you already use a text field to capture this information, then your process will be exactly the same.

I’ve already started taking bookings for my event, can I still use this?

Absolutely! You can enable this at any time during the event lifecycle.

Once enabled, all future bookers will be prompted to add a Group to their event. If a past booker would like to add or create a new Group, we can also help them do so.

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